Top Dog Pointscore for 2024 to be run by Top Dog Media Pty Ltd.

The Pointscore will be called the Top Dog Pointscore (Reg.).
This Pointscore will discover the Top Dog in Australia*, by running the Pointscore in every State and Territory, then bringing all the finalists together for a Grand Final, where there will be only one winner.
The final will be held in early 2025 at a venue to be decided.
The Pointscore will run from the 1st of January 2024 to the 31st of December 2024.
Eligible shows for the Pointscore will include every All Breeds Championship Show, and every Group Championship show that caters for every breed in the group, and Breed Specialties held during the above period.
The Pointscore will have points allocated for the following wins;

The above points (with the exception of the Breed Tournament) are to be halved for shows under 400 and doubled for shows over 800. Contestants need to specify the size of the show when submitting points.

The Top Dog Australia Pointscore 2024 is based on a similar system to the major football codes in that there will be at the end of the year a National Points Leader (similar to the Minor Premier in football codes). The National points listings are not a separate competition but a reflection of national standings from the state-based competition.

In 2024 only 8 'out of state' wins can be claimed by competitors. To create a level playing field for the numerically smaller States the State Points Leaders in each State or Territory as at the 31st of December 2024 will take their place at the Grand Final in early 2025. The winner of this event will be awarded the title of Australia's Top Show Dog for 2024*

In the event of a tie for any State Leader, the dog with the most number of Best in Shows will be the winner, if still a tie, the dog with the most number of Runner-Up in Shows will be the winner, if still a tie the dog with the most number of Best in Groups will be the winner. A State or Territory leader that does not attend the Top Dog Final will be removed from the list of winners and deemed ineligible for any prizes or trophies unless circumstances are deemed to be of such exceptional circumstance that Top Dog Media Pty Directors choose to accept a reason that may be given. They will also be ineligible to compete for the same title in their State or Territory the following year. If a State or Territory winner cannot be represented due to State border closures or prohibitive travel due to flight constraints the organisers reserve the right to invite a wild card contestant from the top 20 contestants nationwide.

In addition to the Top Dog Pointscore, there will be a Top Puppy Pointscore sponsored by Black Hawk.
The qualifying period and eligible shows for the Top Puppy Pointscore will be the same as for the Top Dog Pointscore.
The Pointscore will have points allocated for the following wins;
Baby, Minor, Puppy, or Junior of Breed         10 points
Baby, Minor, Puppy, or Junior in Group         20 points
Baby, Minor, Puppy, or Junior in Show          50 points
The above points are to be halved for shows under 300, and doubled for shows over 600.
The Top Puppy Pointscore will not have a final, but will be a first past the post Pointscore, with a winner in each State and Territory, and one National winner.  In the event of a tie, the dog with the most class in Shows will be the winner, if still a tie, then the dog with the most class in groups will be the winner.

The 2024 competition will be closed to new competitors after October 30, 2024. Final points must be submitted by January 3, 2025. The leaderboard for the Pointscore will be maintained on the Top Dog Media website, and will be published in Dog News Australia, along with a dedicated page with photos of all the state leaders, as well as promotion in the Dog News Australia Annual. To be eligible to compete or be awarded in the pointscore dogs must satisfy the conditions set out in the State Controlling Bodies Constitution Rules and Regulations in which they have resided for the greater part of the year 2024.

In the event of a competitor moving states during both Pointscores, the state where the dog spent the most amount of time will be the state deemed to be represented.The decision of the Directors of Top Dog Media Pty Ltd is final in all matters pertaining to the Top Dog Australia Pointscore.

*Top Dog Pointscore