Ch.Tamaari Dontya Think Im Sexy details
Ch.Tamaari Dontya Think Im Sexy
Ch.Tamaari Dontya Think Im Sexy "Legs"
Ch.Tamaari Dontya Think Im Sexy
Dog's Registration Number : 5100079838
Dog's Date of Birth : 18/01/14
Dog's State of Residence : SOUTH AUSTRALIA
Dog's Breed : Keeshond
Dog's Owner : Maureen Sawley
Dog's Co-owners : N/A
Total Points (All Breeds) : 0
Total Breed Tournament Points : 7
Results from shows : 2018
Name of show : 05/08 Metropolitan Kennel Club
Awards : Breed Tournament
Points : 7
Total Points (All Breeds) : 0
Total Breed Tournament Points : 7