Aust Ch Magicalia Never Doubt This details

Aust Ch Magicalia Never Doubt This


Aust Ch Magicalia Never Doubt This

Dog's Registration Number : 4100166452
Dog's Date of Birth : 03/05/12
Dog's State of Residence : QUEENSLAND
Dog's Breed : Poodle (Standard)
Dog's Owner : Margaret Carr
Dog's Co-owners : N/A
Total Points (All Breeds) : 0
Total Breed Tournament Points : 22
Results from shows : 2022
Name of show : 15/04 All Dogs Sports Spectacular
Awards : Breed Tournament
Points : 9

Name of show : 03/04 Junior Kennel Club of Qld
Awards : Breed Tournament
Points : 6

Name of show : 24/07 Ladies Kennel Association of Qld (PM)
Awards : Breed Tournament
Points : 7

Total Points (All Breeds) : 0
Total Breed Tournament Points : 22