Ch Chancelot Flying High details

Ch Chancelot Flying High

"Nala" Beautiful Westie girl inside & out. Very Harsh coat & good black pigment.

Ch Chancelot Flying High

Dog's Registration Number : 4100357379
Dog's Date of Birth : 10/07/21
Dog's State of Residence : QUEENSLAND
Dog's Breed : West Highland White Terrier
Dog's Owner : Kathy Mankey
Dog's Co-owners : K Mankey & R Richardson
Total Points (All Breeds) : 30
Total Breed Tournament Points : 20
Results from shows : 2022
Name of show : 08/10 Caboolture Kennel Club (Show 2)
Awards : Breed Tournament
Points : 7

Name of show : 08/10 Caboolture Kennel Club (Show 1)
Awards : Breed Tournament
Points : 7

Name of show : 09/09 Allora Kennel Club Inc
Awards : Best in Group
Points : 20

Name of show : 10/09 Allora Kennel Club Inc (Show 2 )
Awards : Runner up in group
Points : 10

Name of show : 19/03 Beaudesert Kennel Club Inc
Awards : Breed Tournament
Points : 6

Total Points (All Breeds) : 30
Total Breed Tournament Points : 20