Ch. Asuare Dancing InTheMoonlight details

Ch. Asuare Dancing InTheMoonlight

Baci titled just over 12 months of age

Ch. Asuare Dancing InTheMoonlight

Dog's Registration Number : 4100344544
Dog's Date of Birth : 26/10/20
Dog's State of Residence : WESTERN AUSTRALIA
Dog's Breed : Hungarian Vizsla
Dog's Owner : Samantha Shields
Dog's Co-owners : Tracey Fountaine & Sam Shields
Total Points (All Breeds) : 10
Total Breed Tournament Points : 0
Results from shows : 2022
Name of show : 22/01 Canine Fund Raisers
Awards : Best in Breed (All Breeds)
Points : 2

Name of show : 12/03 Albany All Breeds Dog Club
Awards : Best in Breed (All Breeds)
Points : 1

Name of show : 13/02 Albany All Breeds Dog Club
Awards : Best in Breed (All Breeds)
Points : 1

Name of show : 19/01 Hills Kennel Club of WA
Awards : Best in Breed (All Breeds)
Points : 2

Name of show : 12/03 Buildings & Amenities Champ Show
Awards : Best in Breed (All Breeds)
Points : 2

Name of show : 13/03 Building & Amenities Show
Awards : Best in Breed (All Breeds)
Points : 2

Total Points (All Breeds) : 10
Total Breed Tournament Points : 0