Ghostwind The Bitch Is Back details

Ghostwind The Bitch Is Back


Ghostwind The Bitch Is Back

Dog's Registration Number : 7100045826
Dog's Date of Birth : 19/02/20
Dog's State of Residence : WESTERN AUSTRALIA
Dog's Breed : Weimaraner
Dog's Owner : Catherine Murphy
Dog's Co-owners : Ghostwind Kennels
Total Points (All Breeds) : 6
Total Breed Tournament Points : 21
Results from shows : 2022
Name of show : 10/12 Labrador Retriever Club of WA ALL BREEDS Show
Awards : Best in Breed (All Breeds)
Points : 2

Name of show : 10/12 Labrador Retriever Club of WA ALL BREEDS Show
Awards : Breed Tournament
Points : 8

Name of show : 09/12 Labrador Retriever Club of WA ALL BREEDS Show
Awards : Best in Breed (All Breeds)
Points : 2

Name of show : 09/12 Labrador Retriever Club of WA ALL BREEDS Show
Awards : Breed Tournament
Points : 7

Name of show : 12/11 Building & Amenities Ch. Show
Awards : Best in Breed (All Breeds)
Points : 2

Name of show : 12/11 Building & Amenities Ch. Show
Awards : Breed Tournament
Points : 6

Total Points (All Breeds) : 6
Total Breed Tournament Points : 21