Sup Ch Azel Deal Or No Deal details

Sup Ch Azel Deal Or No Deal

Deuce - Sup Ch Azel Deal Or No Deal Owned by Kathryn Tranby, Valerie Carter and Erin Carter Bred by Valerie Carter and Erin Carter

Sup Ch Azel Deal Or No Deal

Dog's Registration Number : 5100114851
Dog's Date of Birth : 25/10/19
Dog's State of Residence : NEW SOUTH WALES
Dog's Breed : Cocker Spaniel (American)
Dog's Owner : Kathryn Tranby
Dog's Co-owners : Kathryn Tranby and Azel Kennels (E and V Carter)
Total Points (All Breeds) : 1146
Total Breed Tournament Points : 0
Results from shows : 2022
Name of show : 08/01 Combined Northern Canine Committee (AM Show)
Awards : Runner up in group
Points : 20

Name of show : 07/01 Combined Northern Canine Committee
Awards : Best in Group
Points : 20

Name of show : 01/01 Wollondilly All Breeds KC
Awards : Runner up in group
Points : 20

Name of show : 09/01 Combined Northern Canine Committee
Awards : Best in Group
Points : 40

Name of show : 16/01 Bulli District KC
Awards : Best in Group
Points : 40

Name of show : 04/02 ADSS
Awards : Best in Group
Points : 20

Name of show : 05/02 ADSS (Show 2)
Awards : Best in Show
Points : 75

Name of show : 06/02 ADSS (Show 1)
Awards : Best in Show
Points : 75

Name of show : 06/02 ADSS (Show 2)
Awards : Best in Group
Points : 40

Name of show : 13/02 Sapphire Coast Kennel & Obed. Club
Awards : Best in Show
Points : 150

Name of show : 06/03 Tarago Show Society
Awards : Best in Group
Points : 20

Name of show : 12/03 Adelong Show Society
Awards : Best in Show
Points : 75

Name of show : 19/03 Yass Show Society Inc
Awards : Best in Group
Points : 20

Name of show : 08/01 Combined Northern Canine Committee (PM Show)
Awards : Best in Breed (All Breeds)
Points : 2

Name of show : 15/01 Bulli District KC
Awards : Best in Breed (All Breeds)
Points : 2

Name of show : 19/02 Gundagai A & P Society
Awards : Best in Breed (All Breeds)
Points : 1

Name of show : 12/03 Tumbarrumba A & P Society
Awards : Best in Breed (All Breeds)
Points : 1

Name of show : 23/04 National Capital Kennel Club
Awards : Best in Show
Points : 150

Name of show : 29/05 Dogs ACT All Breeds (PM Show)
Awards : Runner up in group
Points : 20

Name of show : 29/05 Dogs ACT All Breeds (AM Show)
Awards : Runner up in group
Points : 20

Name of show : 05/03 Tumut Show Society
Awards : Best in Show
Points : 75

Name of show : 15/04 Sporting Spaniel Society of NSW (Blue Show)
Awards : Best in Show
Points : 75

Name of show : 23/04 ACT Gundog Society
Awards : Best in Show
Points : 75

Name of show : 14/05 South West Slopes All Breeds KC (AM)
Awards : Runner up in group
Points : 20

Name of show : 29/07 Wagga Wagga ABKC
Awards : Runner up in Show
Points : 50

Name of show : 30/07 Wagga Wagga ABKC
Awards : Runner up in group
Points : 20

Name of show : 31/07 Wagga Wagga ABKC
Awards : Runner up in group
Points : 20

Total Points (All Breeds) : 1146
Total Breed Tournament Points : 0