Ch Snofyre OMG Oh What Kaos details

Ch Snofyre OMG Oh What Kaos

Snofyre OMG Oh What Kaos - Olaf

Ch Snofyre OMG Oh What Kaos

Dog's Registration Number : 2100520595
Dog's Date of Birth : 21/06/19
Dog's Breed : Finnish Lapphund
Dog's Owner : Genevieve Richards
Dog's Co-owners : C Fitzgerald
Total Points (All Breeds) : 623
Total Breed Tournament Points : 75
Results from shows : 2022
Name of show : 20/03 Dogs ACT March Festival (AM Show)
Awards : Breed Tournament
Points : 11

Name of show : 20/03 Dogs ACT March Festival (PM Show)
Awards : Best in Breed (All Breeds)
Points : 1

Name of show : 20/03 Dogs ACT March Festival (AM Show)
Awards : Best in Breed (All Breeds)
Points : 2

Name of show : 23/04 National Capital Kennel Club
Awards : Runner up in group
Points : 20

Name of show : 25/04 National Capital KC
Awards : Best in Breed (All Breeds)
Points : 2

Name of show : 27/02 RNCAS Royal Canberra Show
Awards : Breed Tournament
Points : 9

Name of show : 27/02 RNCAS Royal Canberra Show
Awards : Best in Breed (All Breeds)
Points : 4

Name of show : 24/04 National Capital KC
Awards : Best in Breed (All Breeds)
Points : 2

Name of show : 23/04 National Capital Kennel Club
Awards : Runner up in group
Points : 20

Name of show : 27/03 Moree Kennel Club
Awards : Best in Show
Points : 150

Name of show : 26/03 Moree Kennel Club
Awards : Runner up in Show
Points : 100

Name of show : 20/03 Dogs ACT March Festival (PM Show)
Awards : Breed Tournament
Points : 11

Name of show : 25/03 New England Ladies KC
Awards : Runner up in group
Points : 20

Name of show : 25/03 Moree Kennel Club
Awards : Best in Group
Points : 40

Name of show : 24/04 National Capital KC
Awards : Breed Tournament
Points : 7

Name of show : 25/04 National Capital KC
Awards : Breed Tournament
Points : 7

Name of show : 28/05 Dogs ACT All Breeds (AM Show)
Awards : Best in Breed (All Breeds)
Points : 2

Name of show : 28/05 Dogs ACT All Breeds (PM Show)
Awards : Best in Breed (All Breeds)
Points : 2

Name of show : 29/05 Dogs ACT All Breeds (AM Show)
Awards : Best in Breed (All Breeds)
Points : 2

Name of show : 11/06 ACT Ladies Kennel Club
Awards : Best in Show
Points : 150

Name of show : 12/06 ACT Ladies Kennel Club
Awards : Runner up in Show
Points : 100

Name of show : 11/06 Canberra All Breeds Kennel Club
Awards : Best in Breed (All Breeds)
Points : 2

Name of show : 12/06 Canberra All Breeds KC
Awards : Best in Breed (All Breeds)
Points : 2

Name of show : 13/06 ACT Ladies Kennel Club
Awards : Best in Breed (All Breeds)
Points : 2

Name of show : 11/06 ACT Ladies Kennel Club
Awards : Breed Tournament
Points : 8

Name of show : 11/06 Canberra All Breeds Kennel Club
Awards : Breed Tournament
Points : 8

Name of show : 12/06 ACT Ladies Kennel Club
Awards : Breed Tournament
Points : 7

Name of show : 12/06 Canberra All Breeds KC
Awards : Breed Tournament
Points : 7

Total Points (All Breeds) : 623
Total Breed Tournament Points : 75