Ch Emzacily The Names Bond details

Ch Emzacily The Names Bond

The baby of our show team and a much anticipated combination of international lines. Exciting times ahead with this young man.

Ch Emzacily The Names Bond

Dog's Registration Number : 8010006956
Dog's Date of Birth : 23/08/19
Dog's State of Residence : NORTHERN TERRITORY
Dog's Breed : Rottweiler
Dog's Owner : Sarah Gordon
Dog's Co-owners : N/A
Total Points (All Breeds) : 135
Total Breed Tournament Points : 0
Results from shows : 2020
Name of show : 07/03 Alice Springs K&DSC; Show 451
Awards : Baby, Minor, Puppy or Junior in Show
Points : 25

Name of show : 07/03 Alice Springs K&DSC; Show 452
Awards : Baby, Minor, Puppy or Junior in Show
Points : 25

Name of show : 07/03 Alice Springs K&DSC; Show 453
Awards : Baby, Minor, Puppy or Junior in Show
Points : 25

Name of show : 10/10 Darwin Ladies KC (Show 3)
Awards : Baby, Minor, Puppy or Junior in Show
Points : 25

Name of show : 10/10 Darwin Ladies KC (Show 2)
Awards : Baby, Minor, Puppy or Junior of Group
Points : 10

Name of show : 08/08 Darwins Ladies KC Show 1
Awards : Baby, Minor, Puppy or Junior in Show
Points : 25

Total Points (All Breeds) : 135
Total Breed Tournament Points : 0