Seb Pietro Rodolfo details
Seb Pietro Rodolfo
Son of Savio Sangue Magnifica and India Sangue Magnifica
Seb Pietro Rodolfo
Dog's Registration Number : 3100391373
Dog's Date of Birth : 16/03/19
Dog's State of Residence : QUEENSLAND
Dog's Breed : Cane Corso
Dog's Owner : Shelley Shaw
Dog's Co-owners : Mr P & Mrs S Cimarosti and Mrs S Shaw
Total Points (All Breeds) : 25
Total Breed Tournament Points : 0
Results from shows : 2019
Name of show : 07/07 Atherton Tableland KC
Awards : Baby, Minor, Puppy or Junior of Breed
Points : 5
Name of show : 07/07 Malanda Show Society
Awards : Baby, Minor, Puppy or Junior of Breed
Points : 5
Name of show : 13/07 Atherton Tableland (Show 1)
Awards : Baby, Minor, Puppy or Junior of Breed
Points : 5
Name of show : 13/07 Atherton Tableland (Show 2)
Awards : Baby, Minor, Puppy or Junior of Group
Points : 10
Total Points (All Breeds) : 25
Total Breed Tournament Points : 0