Aust Ch/Neut Ch Aegis Harley Quinn details
Aust Ch/Neut Ch Aegis Harley Quinn
After a couple of false starts, Quinn returned to the ring in September 2018.
At DCWA Inc Champ Show, Quinn was awarded RCC Bitch and Best Junior In Show.
Quinn has a great 2019 so far with a RUBIG and Aust Bred In Show followed by BIG, RUBIS and Best Aust Bred In Show.
Aust Ch/Neut Ch Aegis Harley Quinn
Dog's Registration Number : 6100106893
Dog's Date of Birth : 02/08/17
Dog's State of Residence : WESTERN AUSTRALIA
Dog's Breed : Dobermann
Dog's Owner : Denise Ball
Dog's Co-owners : N/A
Total Points (All Breeds) : 0
Total Breed Tournament Points : 0
Results from shows :
Total Points (All Breeds) : 0
Total Breed Tournament Points : 0