Aus Ch Avila Maid For Doulton (imp NZ) details
Aus Ch Avila Maid For Doulton (imp NZ)
Welcome to Tasmania Jasmine.
Doulton are pleased to add this very well bred young lady to their team.
Aus Ch Avila Maid For Doulton (imp NZ)
Dog's Registration Number : 01689-2018
Dog's Date of Birth : 03/12/17
Dog's State of Residence : TASMANIA
Dog's Breed : Cocker Spaniel
Dog's Owner : Elaine Job
Dog's Co-owners : E & K Job, A & M Jones
Total Points (All Breeds) : 10
Total Breed Tournament Points : 0
Results from shows : 2019
Name of show : 09/02 Kennel Club of Tasmania (Show 2)
Awards : Baby, Minor, Puppy or Junior of Group
Points : 10
Total Points (All Breeds) : 10
Total Breed Tournament Points : 0