Aegis Shake Your Groove Thing details
Aegis Shake Your Groove Thing
"Peaches" is the new red head at Aegis.
Aegis Shake Your Groove Thing
Dog's Registration Number : 6100107243
Dog's Date of Birth : 28/08/17
Dog's State of Residence : WESTERN AUSTRALIA
Dog's Breed : Dobermann
Dog's Owner : Denise Ball
Dog's Co-owners : N/A
Total Points (All Breeds) : 115
Total Breed Tournament Points : 0
Results from shows : 2018
Name of show : 27/01 Canine Fund Raisers
Awards : Baby, Minor, Puppy or Junior of Group
Points : 20
Name of show : 25/01 Canine Fund Raisers
Awards : Baby, Minor, Puppy or Junior of Breed
Points : 10
Name of show : 26/01 Canine Fund Raisers
Awards : Baby, Minor, Puppy or Junior of Breed
Points : 10
Name of show : 02/02 Non Sporting Dog Club of WA
Awards : Baby, Minor, Puppy or Junior of Breed
Points : 10
Name of show : 03/02 Non Sporting Dog Club of WA
Awards : Baby, Minor, Puppy or Junior of Breed
Points : 10
Name of show : 04/02 Non Sporting Dog Club of WA
Awards : Baby, Minor, Puppy or Junior of Breed
Points : 10
Name of show : 24/02 Hills Kennel Club
Awards : Baby, Minor, Puppy or Junior of Group
Points : 20
Name of show : 18/03 Building & Amenities
Awards : Baby, Minor, Puppy or Junior of Breed
Points : 10
Name of show : 07/04 All Breeds Dog Club of WA
Awards : Baby, Minor, Puppy or Junior of Breed
Points : 10
Name of show : 06/05 Utility Dog Club
Awards : Baby, Minor, Puppy or Junior of Breed
Points : 5
Total Points (All Breeds) : 115
Total Breed Tournament Points : 0